Information and Resources For You

Hello, and thank you for taking the time to explore this website!

If your gender matches the one assigned to you at birth (aka, you are cisgender) being trans can seem a bit confusing. Why not simply accept you as you are? Well, imagine someone saying that to someone who is depressed, telling them to just "be happy" or if someone is grieving, telling them to just "get over it". There's a level at which our emotions cannot be ignored, it is our brain responding to either our environment or ourselves. How we feel is just as much a physical response as it is a mental one. After all, where is the brain located? Space? No, it's in our bodies.

That's why being transgender is not a choice, just like many other things within our minds. It's not an illness, but something that occurs within our nature.

Change is a distinctly human trait, does it not make sense to change ourselves as we see fit - to recreate ourselves in a way that is no longer painful, or makes us happy?
I hope that even in your life as you are, you take the chance to create positive change within yourself as well.


This list will be periodically updated as new information and resources are located or donated to me.


If you feel a bit lost, or are new to the idea of gender identity and expression, here's a quick guide! This will get you started on your journey to knowledge.